Our Partnerships

Each of our clients has unique requirements, we take time to understand them and ensure we offer suitable strategies. Below are some examples of how we’ve tailored our approach with existing partners.

Hands-Off Investor

This client has money to invest each year, they have a demanding job and don’t want to work past 50. Our ‘hands-off’ investment service allowed them to focus on their day job whilst we manage their property portfolio.

By setting up an aggressive purchase and repayment plan, we’ve provide the opportunity for retirement at their desired age.

1 year

178k invested

1 x 3 bed
2 x 6 bed

£201K equity
£30K annual profit
17% ROI

*Regular buyer, funded by salary | Short-term income not desired.


Family Focussed

These clients wanted to invest in the future, whilst supporting their current lifestyle and managing the increased costs of an expanding family. Their aim is to set their kids up for the future whilst also generating a regular rental income.

We developed the Family Focussed plan to utilise their existing residential equity to invest in a number of buy-to-let properties.

1.5 years

205k invested

2 x 4 bed
1 x 5 bed

£265K equity
£31K annual profit
15% ROI

*2 year investment strategy | Fixed number of properties.


Business to Business

These clients have established businesses and are looking to develop their portfolio in a less familiar environment. We offer a bespoke service to meet their requirements.

Delivering an aggressive strategy by sourcing multiple properties with complex renovations, we were able to deliver strong returns and a premium finish.

6 months

822K invested

5 x 6 bed
1 x 7 bed

£897K equity
£106K annual profit
13% ROI

*Investment fund, £’s available | Structure requires larger deposits.


Busy Lifestyle

This client has money to invest from time to time, but with a busy lifestyle they are unable to take on investment projects.

By buying, refurbishing and refinancing student properties on their behalf, we increased monthly income and long term wealth without impacting lifestyle.

2.5 years

115K invested

1 x 5 bed
2 x 6 bed

£130K equity
£28K annual profit
24% ROI

*Initial £’s for 1 house | Additional purchases through renovation & re-finance.